A Situationship is Like an Oarless Boat

So, you're in a situationship. You text all day, share memes, spend time together, but when it comes to defining things? Well, that's where it gets blurry. It's like being on a boat drifting in a lake, no oars, just floating wherever the wind decides to take you. And honestly? That’s a place many of us have been before.

       What Makes It So Confusing?

The tricky part about a situationship is the lack of clear boundaries. You’re more than friends but not quite in a committed relationship. There are unspoken rules, which can make things awkward and uncertain. You may catch yourself wondering, "Can I be upset if they don't text me back?" or "Is it wrong to feel hurt seeing them spend time with someone else?"

In these moments, it’s easy to feel confused about what you can or should expect. Without a defined label, you're stuck in this in-between space where emotions get tangled and boundaries remain unclear.

       Are There Any Ground Rules?

One day you're cuddled up watching a movie, and it feels so cozy, so right. The next week, they’re distant, too busy for even a quick chat. You want to ask for more, for some clear guidelines, but the fear of losing whatever connection you have holds you back. 

It's like you're in a boat with small leaks, noticing them but unsure if it's worth mentioning because you're afraid the whole thing might sink if you do. It’s in these moments that setting boundaries feels both necessary and terrifying.

       What About the Future?

Ah, the future — that ever-elusive topic. You want to ask, “Where is this going?” but you're hesitant. Are they in this for the long haul, or is this just a temporary thing until something better comes along? You avoid the “what are we?” conversation, but deep down, you know it’s the only way to stop drifting.

At some point, you’ll both need to decide whether to grab the oars and row toward something clearer. Maybe you’ll head to shore together, or maybe you’ll realize you’re meant for different paths. Either way, clarity is what brings peace, even if the outcome isn't what you initially hoped for.

       The Beauty of Clarity

Remember, the boat will keep drifting until you both decide to talk about where it's headed. And while it might be scary, having that conversation will bring the clarity you need. Whether you stay together or move on, clarity is always better than uncertainty. It’s in those moments of honesty that you'll finally regain control of the direction you're headed.

In a world full of drifting, choose to steer. You deserve to know where you’re going. 


Check out this snarky/funny t-shirt design I found on Creative Fabrica (affiliate link included).


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