
Showing posts from February, 2024

Surviving Valentines: Advice For People Who Hate It

Guess what? Valentine's Day is right around the corner!  So, I have a question for you... are you feeling a bit Valentine's-phobic? If you're single, do you ever cringe at the thought of walking into your favorite places only to find them decked out with heart-shaped decorations and couples indulging in PDA?  Are you maybe gritting your teeth at the idea of every hotel room being booked because it seems like everyone is planning a romantic getaway?   If you're in a relationship, are you dreading the guilt that sneaks in because you really don't feel like joining in on the Valentine's Day festivities like everyone else?  Perhaps you're worried that your gift won't hit the mark (if you've even prepared one in the first place)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, welcome to the Valentine's-phobic club!   Now, I didn't write this post to convince you that Valentine's is the ultimate test of romance or to change your feelings abou