First Dates are Auditions

You’ve just had the most amazing first date. It was like something out of a cheesy rom-com where the rain starts falling just as you kiss goodnight. You’re floating on cloud nine, convinced that you’ve finally found “the one.” But what if, instead of finding the love of your life, you’re just feeding a delusion? Let’s be honest: first dates are basically auditions. We all put our best foot forward, wearing clothes we wouldn’t normally wear and talking about interests we barely care about. We’re not meeting the real person; we’re meeting their representative. And let’s face it, representatives are always on their best behavior. When you feel an intense connection right away, it’s easy to think you’ve met your soulmate. But more often than not, this is just your brain playing tricks on you. It’s called “projection,” and it’s when you project all your hopes and dreams onto someone you’ve just met. They’re not “the one”; they’re a blank canvas you’ve painted with your ideal par...