
Showing posts with the label What is Love

Spoken Word: I Am Seen and Heard

We see the phrase "you are seen, you are heard, you matter" everywhere in social media now. But do we really know how it feels? I do.  For so long, I've been a ghost. A flicker in the background, a fleeting image in the periphery of people's lives.  Nobody really looked, did they?  They saw a facade, a veneer of who I wanted to be, who they wanted me to be.  Smile, nod, laugh at the right moments—play the part, and then vanish.  I perfected the art of being pleasantly forgettable.  But he... oh, he sees me.  When I'm with him,  I can't just blend into the wallpaper. My camouflage fails.  He strips me of my invisibility with a mere glance, a simple question:  "How are you really doing?"  He'll ask, and I'll falter. Because he's not asking to fill the silence. He's asking because he genuinely wants to know. It's unsettling but liberating.  When I think something, he notices; he reacts.  He catches that fleeting shadow across my face

Spoken Word: How I Know I Am Loved

When I saw him, I knew he's different.  He doesn't just look at me; he sees me. Really sees me.  There's this intensity in his gaze that's almost intimidating but comforting at the same time.  It's as if he's peeling back layers, sifting through the façade I’ve so carefully built over the years, and finding the person underneath.  A person I didn't even know existed anymore.  When I talk to him...   His eyes don't glaze over.  He's not waiting for his turn to speak, but listening—every word, every pause, every breath.  He hears the things I don't say, the things I'm too afraid to voice.  He senses the hesitations, the fears, the unspoken dreams that I've buried deep.  And he reacts...  He asks questions, not out of mere curiosity but from a desire to understand—to know me better.  No one has ever made me feel this vulnerable, and yet so safe at the same time. I can’t be a liar around him; he'd call me out in an instant.  With him, I c

Spoken Word: My Man Puts Me on a Pedestal

My man puts me on a pedestal, and I let him.  It's not about pride or arrogance; it's about knowing that he truly sees me. In his eyes, I am something special, something worth admiring.  I can't help but feel a warmth spread through me every time I see that look in his eyes. You know, it's easy to be skeptical in this world, to doubt the sincerity of someone's admiration. But with him, it's different.  It's in the little things, the way he listens when I speak, the way he surprises me with my favorite coffee on a rainy morning, the way he holds my hand as if it's the most precious thing in the world. It's in those moments that I know he genuinely admires me. And I get comfortable on that pedestal.  Not in a way that makes me complacent or takes his admiration for granted, but in a way that makes me want to be the best version of myself.  I want to live up to the image he sees in me, to be deserving of that admiration. Sometimes, I look at myself in t

Spoken Word: He Sees Me

He's like an anchor, grounding me, but in the most liberating way.  It's as if he's whispering, "You're allowed to exist. Fully, completely." I used to think that being seen would mean I’d be found out... that my weaknesses and flaws would be exposed. But he's flipped the script on me.  He’s seen my fears, and instead of turning away, he's held them, like fragile things. And, he showed me his own.  For the first time, I'm not afraid of being seen—I crave it.  Being seen by him doesn't feel like scrutiny; it feels like love. Nobody's cared like he cared.  Nobody's looked like he looked.  For the first time, I'm not a background in someone else's story. I'm a character, fully realized, in a narrative we're writing together.  I'm not just seen. I'm found.  This is a feeling I never knew I needed.

Spoken Word: What Does It Mean to Yearn for Forever?

 What does forever mean in words of yearning? It means I believe in the promise of tomorrow, in the idea that life with you will be full of more surprises than I can imagine.  Forever to me is like a book with blank pages, waiting to be filled with the stories we'll write together.  I see a future where we grow, learn, and create a tapestry of memories.  It's not just belief; it's a conviction that our journey together will be an extraordinary one. But above all... I deeply desire to be the love of your life.  I want to be the one who stands by your side, through the highs and lows. Through the mundane and the extraordinary.  I want to be your confidant, your partner in adventure, your rock when the world feels shaky.  It's not just desire; it's a profound wish etched into the core of my being. So, as I navigate the winding paths of my heart...  I hold on to these feelings, these hopes, and these dreams.  Wanting, feeling, believing, and desiring you.  I cherish

Spoken Word: All I Ask is to Let Me Love You

Sometimes, late at night, I find myself staring at the ceiling, wrestling with a swirling vortex of thoughts that refuse to be tamed. Isn't that the case for so many of us? My mind clings to one haunting question: What would it take for you to just let go and embrace the love I'm offering? Why is love such a tangled web of complexities, a labyrinth without a guide?  It's like this inexplicable riddle that everyone wants to solve but never can. I keep thinking about how simple it could be—how simple it should be. Love shouldn't be a complex equation; it should be the simplest of answers.  I wish you could just see it—the earnestness in my eyes, the authenticity in my smile.  I wish you could hear the unspoken vows in my laughter and feel the promise in my touch. I'm not offering the moon and the stars; I'm offering steadfastness, a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear. I'm offering what I can, as humbly as I can. The thing is, I'm here for you, through th