Did You Lose Your “Mojo” to Your Ex?

What is ‘mojo’? Mojo is a simple charm you keep with you at all times to turn bad luck into good fortune. In the personal development context, it’s that magic you have about you that makes you a success, lands you a job and gets you what you want. It’s your ‘aura’; the thing that makes you unforgettable. The glint in your eye, or the snap in your every step. It’s that certain something that keeps you confident. We use this inner charm when we need to get something done, like when we want to impress someone or when we want to drive good fortune into our lives by the power of our mind alone. It is my belief that everyone is born with this ‘magic’ or ‘blessing’. Considering this, it makes me wonder why a person would feel like he has lost this magic when a relationship ends. More than once, I’ve heard someone else say the phrase ‘unlucky in love’ with a dejected sigh. So… Did You Lose Your “Mojo” to Your Ex? After a break up, you might feel like you’re just a husk of your former self...